Our Mission: Proclaiming the Highest Glory Of God

It is our mission to proclaim to the world the highest glory and honor of God, a mission which was revealed in this church thru biblical prophecies, undeniable confirmations of divine revelations, and the guidance of the Spirit of Truth. God ordained this glory before the foundation of the world and now was made manifest unto his saints.

highest glory
Let us proclaim the highest glory of God

He only deserves the highest glory and honor.

This greatest glory and honor that is due to God is not yet known to all. It was not yet heard by all for it was not yet declared to the world. We say this with boldness that it has not yet being preached to the world. For not all will know the mysteries hidden by God. The simple proof is that the time of the end has not yet come.
Matthew 24:14 KJV- And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
The gospel of the kingdom shall be “preached in all the world.” We already have all the material resources that we need today for this preaching to not happen. Numerous renowned preachers, teachers, God believer advocates, and all levels of biblical intellects can already be seen and heard anywhere from the radio, social media, video uploading sites, blogs, broadcasting networks, and all kinds of technological aids.

We do not need to improve our technology to reach more people. The technology is already there. The talents and skills are not a problem. We already have all the resources; however, there is one more thing that is missing, the most valuable of all, and that is the “Right Message” that is being preached. The message being delivered and proclaimed needs to be 100% accurate that has the exact wisdom and understanding of the true gospel. There must be no spot of error. The gospel can be preached in many incorrect ways. It can be preached with a wrong motive and intention by anyone. It can be delivered and taught with wrong principles and ideas due to inaccuracy and lack of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom.

We believe that there is a perfect time, a time when God will want to watch and show to the world who He really is. We would like everyone to know that this is the will of God. Fulfilling this mission requires full access to the truth about God’s real identity. We have the full access to the truth. Come and open your hearts to the most important topic of all, the identity of the one true God.